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Chakra Crystals - Set Of 7 Chakra / Reiki Healing Stones

Chakra Crystals - Set Of 7 Chakra / Reiki Healing Stones

Chakra represents 7 different energy centres around the body and certain crystals are believed to hold energy connected to them. Balance these energy centres for emotional, spiritual and physical benefits. There are various stones you can use for each of the chakra but we have selected the following.

Root/ Base chakra - Red Jasper - alings the chakras & brings tranquility

Sacral chakra - Carnelian - anchors in the present & aids concentration and creativity

Solar plexus chakra - Citrine - helps with self confidence & provides joy

Heart chakra - Aventurine - provide compassion and empathy. Calms anger

Throat chakra - Blue Agate - throat healer. Cooling, calming & brings peace of mind

Third eye chakra - Amethyst - healing, cleanings and brings emotional stability

Crown chakra - Clear Quartz - the master healer. Amplifies other crystals

Each crystal has been cleansed through incense smoke and is ready to be set with your intention and energy.

Price includes second class postage

We will include a hard written card with personal message if required

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